Monday 2 June 2008

End of Team #1 and beginning of Team #2

I want to extend my thanks to all the hard workers that participated in Team #1. And YES that means everyone. We couldn’t of made it this far without the participation of each and every one of you. We didn’t have any slackers :]

I especially want to thank the staff that has made this all possible.
Kenn & Marsha , George & Bernie , Robert & Wanda , and Michael .

Thank you, Melissa for your awesome willingness and ability to help. Thank you, Youth Works for making a difference.

Many thanks to Alejandro and Family. Your work, cooking, dedication and happiness will not be forgotten.

Thank you Luis & Family. Your generosity is well appreciated. Thank you Seminary students for your serving hearts, these building are dedicated to you.

I want to also thank YOU, for staying updated and keeping us in your prayers.

This week we have new energetic people joining us in Tecate, and many former helpers with rejuvenated strength!

Maira Flores
Office Manager
Armenian Ctr. for Int’l Dev.

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